ARC Hall of Fame, 2020 Class
Induction Dinner, October 21, 2021
As you know, The Academy of Richmond County has a great history of academic and athletic achievements with many alumni having had a great impact in the areas of law, medicine, politics, business and athletics not only on the state level, but national and international stages. We celebrate their achievements in the ARC Hall of Fame.
The ARC Hall of Fame was founded in 2012 by Carl T. Spivey, former student, coach and Principal of ARC and former Deputy Superintendent of Richmond County Schools. He, along with committee members, made up of faculty members and alumni, began the task of determining the first twelve inductees. This is the 9th induction class. Congratulations!
The ARC Hall of Fame banquet has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 21, 2021. Individual tickets are $35.00 each, and tables for 8 can be reserved for $280.00.
Tickets and donations are tax deductible. Make checks payable to ARC Hall of Fame and send to: Tim Spivey, 7357 Lakeside Dr, Appling, Ga 30802.
ARC 2020 Hall of Fame Inductees:
Baseball and basketball at ARC. Auburn graduate. Engineer with Martin-Marietta 1963-64. Supervisory Patent Examiner with US Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, DC 1964-69. Attorney with The Coca-Cola Company 1970-2002.
Spent his whole life in various recreational roles. In early 1950s he was instrumental in the organization of both the Little League program in Augusta and the Biddy League Basketball program.
Successful businessman starting his own business, Southern Siding in 1966. As a philanthropist and humanitarian, he has impacted many people.
~~ Bill Kuhlke, Class of 1956
Played football, basketball, and baseball at ARC. Involved in local government and has served the State of Georgia in several capacities. Owner of Kuhlke Construction and Kuhlke Properties.
Baseball at ARC. College baseball at South Georgia College and Georgia Southern. Played 8 years professional baseball. College head coach at South Georgia College and Augusta College.
Varsity football 3 years, ROTC, clubs. Graduated from The Citadel in 1972. Recognized leader in the financial services industry. 1999 he founded the Gavalas Kolanko Foundation that provides college scholarships to students with disabilities.
Football at ARC. Attended Georgia Tech. Owner of McKnight Construction. Was awarded Outstanding Philanthropist in 2012. Has served on many boards locally and statewide.
~~ Don Brock, Teacher and Coach 1972-1997
As boys’ basketball coach, his teams won more 325 games. He was the first African American head coach and AD at ARC. He has been inducted into Statesboro and Claflin halls of fame and in 2013 inducted into the Augusta City Classic hall of fame.
~~ B J Ford, Class of 1955
Outstanding basketball player at ARC. Attended and played at Winthrop. Spent 8 years successful high years as ladies’ basketball coach at ARC. She also developed the basketball and softball programs at Armstrong State University. Armstrong State Hall of Fame 1995.
ARC cheerleader, tennis team and numerous clubs. She along with her husband and children spent 30 years in British Columbia, Canada as missionaries.

Tim Spivey, '75
I am a 1975 graduate of ARC and was fortunate enough to serve as a Physical Education teacher and coach at ARC from 1984-1996, and principal from 2009 to 2012. One of my primary objectives as the principal of ARC was to develop a since of pride with our staff and students by way of reuniting with our alumni. I knew that it was extremely important that our staff and students be made aware of the historical importance and contributions made by many of our ARC alumni. I, along with Jim Pardue, class of ’65, scheduled alumni open houses, had a night of champions (recognizing all of the ‘50s state championship teams), and regularly communicated with others to promote ARC then and now.
I also felt like it would be great to start an Academy of Richmond County Hall of Fame, whereby a committee would be formed to determine nomination criteria, raise funds, decide on the inductees , organize and plan the yearly induction banquet.
Current Hall of Fame Committee Members: Tim Spivey, Trav Payne, Jim Whitehead, Brad Usry, Pete Fletcher, Jim Beazley, Will McKnight, LeeAnn Caldwell, David Bell, David McKnight and Jason Medlin (Principal).
Hall of Fame Expenses
To continue having a first-class banquet to honor our inductees, we do solicit funds from individuals and businesses. Historically speaking, the average cost each year is approximately $15,000.00. Our goal is to raise enough money to continue recognizing distinguished Academy of Richmond County graduates.

- $5000.00 – Rick Milton Photography does a 16 x 20 portrait of each inductee that hangs in the Media Center at ARC.
- $250.00 – A personalized paver is placed in the football stadium wall for each inductee ($250.00)
- $300.00 – Each inductee receives a framed picture of ARC
- $750.00 – Program print cost
- $7500.00 – Rental and buffet meal at First Baptist Church
- $500 – Miscellaneous cost for decorations for banquet
- $750.00 Event planner
- $100.00 – Pianist
- $100.00 – Audio Visual Assistance
- $220.00 – Event Insurance
- $100.00 – Event Security